Our Process.


Thinking cannot solve the problem of thinking too much. Trying to “let go”, “accept”, "and “being positive” are just more thinking and “doing.”

Inward Expeditions help people experience “being” using a combination of two proven methods:

1. The five-point auricular acupuncture approach based on the proven NADA protocol can help uncover the experience of being in the “Here and Now.” Over 15 sessions, participants learn to be in the moment without trying, and learn what it actually feels like to “Let Go.”

2. Breath Sensory Awareness Training helps participants develop the ability to stay in the present moment in spite of triggers that life promises. With this growing ability to stay present, participants leave the program with the gratitude and curiosity to face the unknown.

In most cases, the treatment process will be completed between 3-8 weeks; and the benefit is expected to be life-long.

“You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life?”
― Rumi

Who may be interested?


This process works best for those who feel that the outward challenges they experience are invitations to look inward to uncover and discover how things really are. It is for anyone experiencing challenges with overwhelming thoughts, emotions, sensations; to uncover their creativity and inner wisdom; to discover their own individual gifts, and to experience self-compassion. This process may be effective for a host of mental health conditions, including addictions, PTSD, borderline, OCD, phobias, depression, insomnia, anxiety, relationship challenges, plus more. It may also be effective against the stress-related component of chronic pain, migraines, fibromyalgia, and various autoimmune disorders.

The inward expeditions is not for everyone.


If you are involved with disputed disability claims or any legal proceedings; we are not able to accommodate you until these proceedings are completely resolved. As we are trying our best to help with the backlog of mental health challenges, we only have the resources at this time to provide short-term therapy. 

If you are looking to continue a specific form of therapy which you have been involved with, this process may not be suitable for you. 

The Inward Expeditions process is most suitable for those who are open to the unknown - the possibility that within each one of us, there is an Inner Healing Wisdom.

Why five-point auricular acupuncture?


Five-point auricular acupuncture as per the NADA protocol is a proven method that can help address a host of severe mental health challenges. It can calm the hair-trigger amygdala that is responsible for the “fight-flight-freeze” reflex and quieten the hyper-vigilant default-mode-network that creates the overwhelming stream of thoughts. 

Overthinking is a challenge that cannot be resolved by more thinking. In the same way, being in the moment cannot be learned through words. The only way to learn to ride a bike is to get on the bike. Being present is an experience.

Come experience five-point auricular acupuncture without expectations. Experience your Inner Healing Wisdom with openness.

Why sensory-awareness training?


For many with mental health challenges, awareness is preoccupied by strong emotions and busy thoughts. Struggle to stop thinking is just more thinking. Trying can only triggers more emotions and thoughts. So, what is the resolve?

Sensation is different than thoughts. It is easy to be caught up with intense thoughts about past and future. In contrast, paying attention to sensation can restore the awareness of the here and now. The first milestone in the training is to experience the subtle difference between sensations and thoughts. This is an experience. Once appreciated, continued training will strengthen sensory awareness and help us stay present in spite of new challenges. The ability to stay present is a superpower anyone can uncover. It can give us the freedom to live fully with curiosity and gratitude of the miracles of each and every moment.